Looking down on the current North Pole, we can identify at least 3 previous positions of the pole, according to Hapgood. These are shown roughly by the numbered red dots below. (The exact locations were given on the previous page)

In his revised version, the movements to each of these positions were not cataclymically fast, but relatively slow. Each took about 5000 years. According to his interpretation of the evidence, after each shift the new north pole remained in place for between 20 and 30 thousand years.

Four poles

Position #1 -- From the Yukon area of North America at about 80, 000 B.P. and moving east by 75,000 B.P to the Greenland Sea.

Position #2 -- From the Greenland Sea, starting at about 55,000 B.P. and then moving south-west by 50,000 B.P. towards what is now Hudson Bay.

Position #3 -- From the Hudson Bay area at about 17,000 P.P. and moving north to its present location by about 12,000 B.P.


If the poles shift even as little (within 40 degrees) as Hapgood argues, then the equator moves in significant ways. This is shown below by the red lines on the paired views of the globe). Each pair shows two views of where the equator would be, roughly, for each position of the north pole shown above.

The changes in position are especially noticable by where the equator cuts across the African continent in each situation--high, diagonally or low, compared to today.

Three previous equators

Go to the next page for a closer view of each pair.



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