We've been to quite a few events, even relatively large ones, where placement of the line appeared to be an afterthought--or where it was being decided, from scratch, right there on the field in front of us. (In several cases, we were able to provide some much-needed input, since--as it turned out--we were the most experienced ones there!)

Plan and act ahead. Set up the spectator line early.

Keep the line as straight as possible. Have someone eye-ball it a couple of times. A bulge out or a big indentation anywhere along the line means that people's views will be blocked. That was the problem with the snaked S-shaped line at Pea Ridge, Arkansas, mentioned back on the previous page.

Please don't keep moving the line as event 'kick-off' time gets closer and closer, unless it's to eliminate a bulge. People who show up early to get a good spot should not be punished--any more than piles of people turning up at the last minute should be rewarded by sitting in front of the front row after moving the line forward, ignored by the line patrolling staff (which we've seen happen more than once)


Follow the lead of CWR's Glenn LeBoeuf, Don Warlick, Ron Paul, and others whose names I'm not familiar with but whose progress at running events we have watched for years. Enforce a three-tiered spectator area. From the line back 25 feet, flat on your butt. Then, another 20 feet back sitting in chairs. After that, people standing, preferably on ground sloping towards the battle.


Time after time we've seen someone assigned to enforce seating rules either didn't have it in them to enforce rules, or were not trained in acting as authority figures. Either they were around but did't enforce. Or they allow themselves to be drawn into debates about the rules, instead of firmly enforcing them. Being around but not enforcing rules encourages more rule-breaking. Better to get someone else who can handle it. Debating rules instead of enforcing them only leads to more debating and ends your authority.
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