From: Jason Davies <>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 11:20:11 GMT0BST
Subject: Re: General enquiry
Hello again, sorry it took a while to reply but I've had coursework
commitments (I am but an undergraduate after all)...
Here are some views from myself and several colleagues (please
edit as appropriate - I'm not sure what is relevant, incorrect or
already answered).
Sorry to hear that the Pole Shift Forum has gone largely
unnoticed by the science world; it's probably easier to convince
those whose expertise is in the field of history etc., and so-called
"popular science", rather than the physical sciences, of the
existence of earth-crust displacement (they are generally more
open-minded I find, but also tend to denounce scientific evidence
that argues against their views with an almost religious fervour).
However, several colleagues and I here at Cardiff
University feel that Pole-Shift Theory certainly has potential, and
would explain a lot of things (e.g. the sudden onset/end of ice
ages). We feel that there has been too much emphasis on
'gradualism' over 'catastrophism' over recent years leading to an
instant dismissal of theories, such as ECD (Earth-Crust
Displacement), without first considering the evidence (as in most
things, the truth of earth processes probably lies somewhere in
between extremes, in this case catastrophe and gradual change,
but the scientific world seems to swing from one extreme to the
On the other hand, it seems that no-one can explain how
subducted plates and island chains (such as the Empereor
Seamount/Hawaii chain) can be reconciled with a catastrophic
geological event. Could it be that ECD occurs at a rate slow
enough to avoid shearing of subducted plates, but rapid enough to
be geologically instantaneous? Looking at a topographic map of
the Earth, you can see that the formation of island chains changes
direction (particularly in the case of the Emperor
Seamount/Hawaiian Islands). Can these direction changes be
correlated between chains? Could they be the result of an ECD
event causing the general direction of plate motion to change
(resulting in the island chain forming in a different direction as it
moves over the mantle plume)? As far as I know, no-one has
thought why these plate motions change direction. I'm not sure
how any of this fits in with Ellenberger's point ("Top Ten Reasons
Why Velikovsky is Wrong" number 4) that the flora and fauna of
Hawaii was not disrupted 3500 yrs BP, as you'd expect from such
a global catastrophic event. But have any of these ECD events
been accurately dated? (ie. could the flora and fauna have been
disrupted at other times in the geological record of Hawaii (he only
cites 3500 BP)). What would such an event look like in the
geological record? I don't have the answers to any of this, only more questions.
Jason Davies
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Wales, Cardiff