From: Bob Smith <>

Subject: Reenactment Comments

Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 10:52:59 -0400

I was lucky enough to hear about the 135th ANTIETAM the day before the first events. Although there was a larger spectator turnout than I had expected my two young sons and I had a marvelous time. We learned after the first day to get to the spectator lines EARLY to get a good view. It certainly made me wish I was nine years old again!!

We attended the second part of the 135th Gettysburg a few weeks ago. The only negative I can speak of here was that there was no effort made to keep the spectators on the ground seated in the right way to allow for maximum viewing (seated, chairs, standing...).

I am an amateur photographer. My "specialty" it hand coloring black and white prints. I have a wonderful set of about 11 pics on my wall at home from the 135th ANTIETAM. One large photo of a battle scene in the middle surrounded by 10 smaller camp pics. I shot about 5-10 rolls of film at ANTIETAM, four rolls at Gettysburg, and will probably do 10 rolls at Cedar Creek.

For me the difficulties are getting good battle pics. The camps are marvelous and access is superb. The reenactors are great and friendly people. At the 135th ANTIETAM on the second day we were like the first people to sit down and wait for the Bloody Lane battle (three hours early). It was worth the wait as the view was spectacular and the pics turned out great. Even though that morning, the fog was so thick you could not see the Corn Field battle, we enjoyed our time there.

In the near future I hope to get my own web site up and running where I will be offering for sale copies and signed originals of my hand colored pics. I would also like to be able to offer to reenactors the service of doing their pics for a nominal fee. I may get an arrangement soon with a restaurant in Gettysburg to display some of my work.

My sons (9 & 11) are looking forward to more events in the coming year. Here's hoping the view at Cedar Creek turns out well.

Robert E. Smith

Medallion Systems

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