From: "Stiff, John (CIT)" <>
To: 'Roland Hanke' <>
Subject: Re: "crustal slippage"
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 16:15:39 -0400
Dear Roland,
I visited recently and decided to reply to your email regarding "hot spots". I say that crustal slippage and hot spots are compatible with each other. Let a hot spot be represented by a hole in the surface of a hollow sphere (magma represents the hollow part). If one rotates the hollow sphere (say 30 degrees), the hole in the surface will still be in the same place relative to surface features. The hole would however be over a new magma location. The old magma location would be under a very solid tectonic plate. In essence, after a crustal shift, new magma would continue to rise thru the hot spot. No conflict in theories. Crustal slippage and continental drift are also compatible. As the tectonic plate slowly moves over a hot spot thru geological time, we get the Hawaiian Islands. The surface features do change slowly relative to each other via continental drift. A crustal slippage is a sudden event in my opinion (on the order of days or weeks). No conflict in theories. I believe the evidence discovered to date supports a crustal shift (geological, agricultural, historical, mathematical, etc). It is the mechanism that is in question. A build of ice at the poles, unbalancing the earth. An asteroid impact knocking the earth off kilter. These are the best possible causes of a crustal shift to date. As far as mechanism, stay tuned. New things are learned every day.
John L Stiff (Vienna, Va)
From: "Roland Hanke" <>
Subject: crustal slippage
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 21:27:45 -0800
I don't believe that rapid crustal slippage has happened(at least not in the last several million years). Volcanic islands are built up when a particular area of the crust sits over a hot-spot in the mantle for an extended period of time. The long chain of the present and past Hawiian Islands were created as the Pacific Plate slid slowly over such a hot-spot under the Pacific Ocean. If the crust slid around as some are contending these islands would be scattered all over the Pacific Basin, or more likely, would not exist at all. These islands were simply the first case to occur to me, and because of them being strung out in a NW SE line are obvious counter evidence. You can post this where ever you think appropriate.
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